Insulin doses need to be continuously adjusted to help keep blood sugar levels in a healthy range. Many factors affect blood sugar levels, including, diet, exercise, and timing. In addition, insulin doses may need to be changed over time. At the time of diagnosis, the pancreas may still be able to make some insulin, so less injected insulin may be needed. However, as the pancreas makes less and less insulin, more insulin needs to be given via injection to keep blood sugar levels in a healthy range. How fast children are growing, whether they’re undergoing puberty, how much they eat, and how active they are affect the amount of insulin needed each day. Therefore, insulin doses are required to be continuously adjusted to help a person keep his or her blood sugar levels in a healthy range. Your doctor will guide you with the right insulin dosages.

Complications are not inevitable. Good diabetic control can help in preventing complications.

Diabetic individuals with well controlled diabetes can have a normal life expectancy like a non-diabetic individual. In fact, because children with diabetes begin to take care of their health from usually a very young age, they are more health-conscious than most non-diabetic individuals, thereby having higher chances of living a longer life.