
There is no such thing as “DIABETIC FOOD.” A healthy diet for a person with diabetes is typically identical to a healthy diet for anyone else. It should include a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, low-fat dairy products, and moderate amounts of healthier fats such as those found in olive oil. And yes, people with diabetes can still enjoy sweets as long as they work them into their meal plan carefully, eat them infrequently and in small doses. “Diabetic” and “dietetic (nutritious)” foods generally offer no special benefit. Most of them still raise blood glucose levels, are usually more expensive, and can also have a laxative effect if they contain sugar alcohols.

Low blood sugar isn’t an excuse to eat extra junk food. 

Hypoglycemia, typically blood glucose less than 70 mg/dl, should not be treated with so much sugar that you “super-spike” your blood glucose. 

You’re just trading one problem for another.

Here’s the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) advice on treating low blood sugar, which is followed by most doctors globally:

  • Wait 15 minutes after treatment before eating anything else.
  • If your blood glucose is still low, consume another 15 grams of carbohydrate.
  • Recheck your blood glucose in another 15 minutes.
  • Once your symptoms are gone and your blood glucose is above 70 mg/dl, you may still need a snack if your next meal is a while away.

If you don’t have a preferred treatment food, use any carbohydrate-rich food.

The increased consumption of refined carbohydrates and foods rich in saturated fats increases the risk of diabetic complications, even if you receive a higher dose of medication.

No matter what you may hear or see on the Internet, there is no cure for diabetes as yet. Many scientists and researchers have dedicated their careers to finding a cure for diabetes, and they’ve made many advances in diabetes research. But the only way to manage diabetes now is to take insulin and medications as prescribed, eat a balanced diet, get plenty of physical activity, and check blood sugar levels regularly. Until there really is a cure for diabetes, do your best to manage your child’s diabetes with the tools available now.

Type 1 diabetes is caused by the destruction of insulin-producing cells (pancreatic beta cells in islets of Langerhans), which is not related to consumption of sugar. While continually munching on sweets can help trigger diabetes in someone with a tendency to be diagnosed with diabetes, it does not directly lead to diabetes. (Weight gain, however, is a major risk factor.)